
The online portfolio and whimsical ramblings of Robert James Page

Facebook Connect, Twitter and Social Bookmarking

I had nothing much to do yesterday afternoon, so I took some time to do some construction on this blog.. If you're reading via RSS/Facebook, come check it out! I did a little bit of fiddling with the blog template, but not much. I mostly just added some pretty buttons down the side and removed the cheesy box thing from the header. This did however teach me that I have absolutely no future in web design, since I have NO idea how to do CSS/Javascript, and my html is even pretty weak. Nothing I didn't know though.

Onto the exciting stuff..

I've seen a lot of sites lately using the Facebook Connect and Twitter comment features. I've been pretty keen to set these up for a while, but I assumed it would take a long time since it'd need a whole lot of coding (see above).

But its actually ridiculously simple. Even for someone like me.

This website has all you need to convert your regular comment section into a powerful multi-platform Disqus comment form. It works great for Blogger, and will work on Wordpress, Tumblr, and just about anything else you have.

And it looks great too!

There are a couple of other way's to set these services up, but I think that Disqus is by far the best.

Another little tweak was the addition of some pretty sexy social bookmarking buttons to the ends of my posts (Wink wink, nudge nudge) created by Naeem.

I also recently uploaded a couple of songs onto Last.fm, so if you use their service, give us a Shout, or even if you don't, you can listen to and download some of my stuff for free right HERE.

Free MP3s on Last.fm
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